If timing the market were easy, you’d have seen a wave of retirees after March 2022. Everyone would have bought in Maple Ridge in 2019 or even the fall of 2020, held till March 2022 and cashed out with 40% profits. But no, there are too many unknown factors. So instead, as a Realtor I advise my clients on how to decide when it’s the best time for them personally to sell based on their current situation, future goals and of course the market.
Because I do not yet know your motivation to sell, let’s talk first about the market based on the June 2024 numbers. While we are seeing enough buyer activity that a well marketed and well priced home in Mt Pleasant will sell; it is not an objectively ideal time to list.
What makes me say that? Well to decide whether the market is ripe for listing we have to consider supply and demand. Supply in Real Estate is listings and Mount Pleasant is currently 22% over the 10year average of Totally Inventory for this time of year. Demand of course is the buyers looking to purchase those listings and despite the additional inventory, June sales in Mount Pleasant were 7% below the 10 year average.
So, objectively speaking, listing right now means less eyes on your property. Not to mention that summer has finally hit in Vancouver; kids are out of school and weekends are filling up and buyers tend to have less urgency in their home search this time of year.
It isn’t the best time to sell for everyone but it might be the best time for YOU.
If you are looking to sell a property without buying another one (neither upsizing or downsizing) and you are in the position to hold the property; I still believe there will be a better market to list as the BoC continues to make rate cuts. Prepare but hold.
Upsizing? Well that is a different story. If you’re selling to upsize and buy a larger (thus, more expensive) home, then we need to consider your experience on the buy side as well when discussing your sale strategy. Less competition on the buy side will always save you stress but when upsizing in a slow market; it will save you stress and MONEY. If the product and market you are buying in (ie. townhouse in Mount Pleasant) is performing the same or slower than the one you are selling in (ie. condo on Cambie) then not getting as high of an offer as you would have on your listing will be more than made up for by avoiding less competition in your purchase. Ultimately net positive.
If you are downsizing and both markets are performing the same, the opposite will be true. You’ll take a larger hit selling the higher-priced home in a slow market. Currently detached home sales are stale. In Mount Pleasant no single family home sales were recorded in June. Sure, the 10 yr avg for June is only 5.1 but this is the only shutout for that product in June of any year in the last decade. Zooming out a bit more and single family home sales in East Vancouver were 45% lower than the 10 year average.
One strategy for those single family homeowners that would like to make a move to a condo or townhouse this summer; Since most downsizers have substantial equity built up in their home, depending on the structure of their financing and tolerance to risk, they could buy first and prepare their home for a sale when the market starts to shift. Detached sales are down but so are new listings and total inventory so when the demand returns, your vacant and staged home will be ready to market and sell!
Like I said, a selling strategy should be based on many factors, only one of which is the current market and how to capitalize within it. Your personal situation and goals need to be heavily considered in order to decide if Summer 2024 is the right time to sell.
If selling is in your future, let’s sit down now and create a selling strategy.
Click here and book with me directly
Email: kadelacasse@gmail.com
Call/text: 604-401-9199